Thursday, October 15, 2009

Week 7

This week was filled with many school events that I was able to witness and participate in. Because it was homecoming week, each day was designed around a certain theme. It was very entertaining to see all of the students dress up on sock and superhero days. There were also many different activities going on to celebrate homecoming throughout the week; the three most popular undoubtedly being the homecoming thuse, football game, and dance. These activities came at the end of the week, the thuse happening Friday during the last hour and a half of school time. Of course the students were excited; I am sure that they were excited not only because of the thuse’s activities, but also that the thuse affected the school schedule to shorten the day’s classes. For the thuse, the students were dismissed between 1:00 and 1:15 to the gymnasium. Once all of the students piled in, the students and teachers led the crowd in various chants and entertained with different skits and stunts. Each class of students was allowed to perform a skit that they had created and then performed it for the entire school. Although the juniors’ skit was by far the most amusing, the entire thuse was very fervent.

Later that evening, the homecoming football game against North Marion was scheduled to ensue. The weather had cleared up during the afternoon, leaving the evening looking hopeful; but as the beginning of the game drew nearer, the weather took a turn for the worse. By the time we arrived at the game, the storm had died down, but the rain sustained until half time, when Morgantown was already way ahead of North Marion. This break did not hold, but by the end of this soggy game the Mohigans pulled ahead 51-14.

This substantial win was later celebrated the following Saturday night. All of the interns decided to chaperon the homecoming dance; our main responsibilities including looking after the students and shoe duty. At first we were in charge of reminding students to remove their shoes before entering the dance floor. After this was successfully accomplished, we moved to the shoe/item check-in, as students continually needed to retrieve items from their personal bags (cell phones, money, etc). The homecoming activities were a notable way to experience students and how they interact outside of the classroom. It was great to see and to interact with them “out of the norm”. This whole homecoming experience was very exciting and enjoyable.

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